Today’s world is getting more focussed on eco-sustainable packaging. Understanding the packaging trends considering the reality that eco-sustainable packaging is now the hottest topic in the packaging industry, is very important.
Here, in this article, Mr. Gaurav Jalan, Founder, and Director of Delhi/NCR’s leading packaging company Packman Packaging Private Limited talks about eco-sustainable packaging trends one can expect in 2020.
Simple And Clean Packaging
You need to understand that less is more. With respect to this present-day trend, products are manufactured in a simple manner, with less printing on the package body and with less packaging material being used. Therefore, it is not required to use oversize packaging to unnecessarily emphasize the product.
Corrugated Cardboards
The high content usage of corrugated cardboard is increasing in demand. It is completely 100% recyclable, biodegradable and of course, reusable. Packaging products like the eco-sleeves or corrugated paper-padded envelopes are the top most examples of this category.
Biodegradable Materials
Paper and cardboard are excellent alternatives for any type of packaging. What is the benefit? When those are thrown away, they break down and return back to nature. At the same time, biodegradable materials promote eco-sustainability.
What Does The Industry Say About Eco-Sustainable Packaging?
The industry thinks that eco-sustainable packaging means packaging that is environmentally-friendly, made out of renewable resources and 100% recyclable, like paper or cardboard. A good instance is a corrugated paper, that gets utilized, transformed into the paper mill and then becomes brand new packaging. Also, several industry research confirms the importance of eco-sustainable packaging in the market and suggests that 4 out of 5 buyers like to opt for products made out of cardboard.