The packaging is one of the most critical parts n the food industry, the packaging is as vital as the contents themselves. Food packaging markets the product expands its shelf life and facilitates long-distance transportation.

How do you come up with the finest design for your products? What are the modern food packaging trends you should be aware of?

In this article, Mr. Gaurav Jalan, Founder, and Director of Delhi’s top packaging company Packman Packaging Private Limited talks about 5 food packaging trends you need to know about in 2020.

Emotional Engagement

Customers want more than simply a product. They want to be part of the story. Studies have shown that people are affected by emotions, rather than information when making brand decisions. Emotional content is quite popular in advertising, social media, and buyers, with positive sentiments leading the way. For instance, a popular juice brand has successfully incorporated the feeling of reminiscence in its packaging to add emotional appeal. Their tagline, advertising, to graphics on the pouch captured a specific period in time perfectly.

Similarly, packaging can be used to present a brand’s vision and philosophy. Some brand packaging conveys the use of best-quality ingredients with high-end graphics.

Transparent And Clear Labelling

Today majority of consumers are willing to buy a newly launched product with clear product information. People are aware of what they eat. Though food packaging contains information on ingredients, reading the fine print can be difficult. Companies are using transparent packaging and clear labeling to list out the contents of the product.

Many food delivery firms underwent a packaging overhaul to clearly show the contents of each box. And, to stick to its word of delivering healthy packaged meals daily.

Clean labeling can assist you to upscale your brand identity and help consumers in making a knowledgeable purchase.

Increased Portability

Many consumers have an on-the-go way of living. It means they are constantly looking for food options that are simpler to grab, hold, eat, and carry. To meet this demand, brands are putting in additional effort into making food packaging portable. This pack allows you to carry a burger, fries, and a drink in a foldable case that can be attached to the handlebar of your cycle or bike.


Personalization has been a critical part of food packaging and is one of the major trends. Today around 50% of millennials and Gen Z has a desire for personalized products. With the increase in production speeds, food packaging personalization is now a reality. Now you can see some top brands are using printed names to give a personalized touch.

Though personalized food packaging style is yet to be affordable to smaller food businesses, there are choices to customize packaging. Manual customization could include the use of customized bags, boxes, stickers, and even gift tags to improve brand recall and appeal.

Gradient Coloring

Nowadays, consumers find graphics, color, & shape the most attractive aspects of packaging. Gradients are an increasing trend in several areas of design. Whether it is the logo or packaging, gradient provides a level of depth and complexity that adds intrigue. Unlike minimalistic or vintage packaging which uses solid or subdued hues, gradients can bring attention to brands on the shelf.


Over the last several years, food packaging has become greener. The effort for eco-friendly solutions has driven big brands to stop single-use plastics and provide biodegradable, recyclable or reusable packaging. You now see the use of paper packaging more than ever. For instance, plastic food trays are being replaced by biodegradable trays. Several start-ups have also started manufacturing single-use food packaging and cutlery from plant-based materials for improved sustainability.