If you are having a small-sized business and looking to grow sales, it is perhaps the time to spend a bit extra. Good branded retail packaging is the thing that you may need currently to boost your sales.

Yes, good retail packaging is one such source that has the ability to win the heart of potential customers. Good retail packaging often decides whether the customer will make a purchase or not. In this age of social media, you may have seen how good packaging has the ability to wow customers and boost the chances of sales.

Here, India’s top corrugated boxes manufacturer and supplier to retail businesses, Packman Packaging shares some points related to the power of retail packaging. Packaging is a lot more than simply something to put your products in. It could help protect goods, serve as a potent marketing tool, give product information, and even impact sales.

Protect products

Packaging forms a barrier between your products, the box or bag they are carried in, and the elements. It is used to cushion products in transport, whether they are being carried out of your store by a shopper, or shipped across places.

Packing peanuts, bubble wraps, crumpled paper, and cardboard all go a long way in safeguarding products once they leave your store or warehouse and travel to their final destinations.

Branding opportunity

When you invest in branded bags, you are also investing in continued marketing for your business. Once that bag is there in the store, it starts a journey that might connect with simply a few or even several consumers along the way.

From potential customers seeing it on the roadsides to the user of the bag repurposing it again, the journey might not be clear, but it definitely guarantees continued brand exposure. And custom packaging is one such way that will not just promote your brand but will attract several buyers too.

Environmental impact

You need to choose that packaging that has zero or minimal effect on our planet. It is not just a rule set by several governments across the world, but according to several research, now customers also buy those products that come in a good package that is sustainable. So, ensure that apart from creating attractive retail packaging, the packaging materials that are being used are recyclable and reusable.

Give product information

Packaging might be the first interaction a buyer has with a product, making it a good place to provide essential details. You can use boxes and other external packaging materials to share useful information about the product, like the directions and suggestions for use, ingredients used, specifications, contents, or warning notices.

Impact sales

You already know that retail packaging influences purchasing decisions of around 70% of shoppers. To drive the point even further, check out some stats:

  • More than 50% of web users say they will make additional purchases from a business that uses above-average or premium retail packaging.
  • Around 40% of consumers say they will regularly share product packaging that is “giftable” or “interesting” on social media.
  • More than 75% of buyers will recommend products they like to their friends, relatives and followers on social media.
  • Now you can see how powerful packaging can boost your sales.