Bubble rolls are famed around the world for their versatility and ease of use for a variety of purposes. For the casual person, their just sheets of air bubble trapped in plastic that are a blast to pop. For the packaging industry, they are an important,essential asset and critical element of the business. For the E-commerce companies bubble rolls are the reason that they can provide free and cheap shipping. What makes bubble wraps and rolls so special?

bubble rolls of different sizes packman.co.in

7 Advantages of Bubble Rolls

  1. Light Weight –  Bubble rolls are light. Very light. A 1 x 5 meter bubble roll weighs only 500 grams. This is the reason that e-commerce companies love using them, because it saves them a fortune on shipping, where prices vary as per the weight of the parcel.
  2. Multiple Forms – Even though they start out as rolls, they can be transformed into multiple shapes and sizes as per the product that needs to be packaged. Rolls work great for large items, but for smaller, electronics or fragile items, they can be made into pouches and sheets that snugly cover and protect.
  3. Anti Static – Bubble pouches & rolls are special as they are not prone to electro-static discharges from the products they house. This makes them great for packaging electronic products.
  4. Bio-Degradable – The newer modern bubble rolls have been manufactured to be eco-friendly. Unlike regular plastics, these rolls can be safely used and disposed without fear of damaging the environment. Additionally they can be recycled and re-used.
  5. Superior Cushioning – Thanks to the air bubble layers and consistent thickness throughout the packaging, an air bubble roll provides consistent protection to products without leaving any weak spots.
  6. Transparency – Bubble rolls are see through and transparent. This gives customers an added advantage of visually inspecting the product without having to open the packaging. It also enables the product to be displayed easily while retaining a layer of protection.
  7. All purpose – By changing the size of the air bubble, bubble rolls can be used for light, medium and heavy duty usage.

Bubble rolls are a universal packaging solution that can be used at home, retail and even industrial level. They are easy on the budget and result in drastically reduced shipping costs.  Whether your in the packaging industry, store owner, e-commerce company or simply packaging things in your house; bubble rolls are a must in your inventory.

Packman Packaging provides all the different types of bubble rolls, wraps and pouches you could need. Visit them now for great bubble wrapping solutions at the best prices & quick shipping.